Coach's/Volunteer Application
Welcome to the WFL Coach/Volunteer Registration!
Coaches train people participating in sports and help them reach their full potential. Work activities one should expect for this job are assessing athlete performance, finding strengths and weaknesses, communicating instructions, preparing athletes for competitions, motivating athletes, enforcing health and safety rules, monitoring and measuring performance, developing personalized training programs, and registering sports players.
The Wylie Football League values its volunteer coaches and recognizes the vital role they play in the physical and emotional development of our youth sports participants. We thank our volunteers for the interest, sacrifice and commitment they make to our children, our programs and activities.
For more information, please visit: Registration Help.
Please read through each page carefully to ensure that all information is provided accurately.
To complete registration through our secure site, all coaches are required to will please have your Visa or MasterCard information available
Vice President
Phone: 9724424196
Select an option to continue with the registration.